A handbook of English literature by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

 Book Details:
  • Name: A handbook of English literature
  • Author: Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury
  • Publisher: Confidence Research Work Ltd.
  • Category: BCS English Literature Guide
  • Language: Bangla & English
  • Pages: 248
  • PDF Size: 9 MB
  • Source: Internet collection  

Important Chapters:

1. The Old English Period   

2. The Middle English Period  
3. The Renaissance   

a) The Elizabethan Period:    

  b) The Jacobean Period: 
c) The Caroline Period: 
d) The Commonwealth Period
 Previous Questions:  52 

4. The Neoclassical Period  
a) The Restoration Period
b) The Augustan Period  
c) The Age of Sensibility
 Previous Questions

5. The Romantic Period  
 Previous Questions 

6. The Victorian Period  
Previous Questions

7. The Modern and the Post Modern Periods 

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