Barron 800 Essential Words for GRE with PDF

1. abate -  to decrease; reduce
2. abdicate -  to give up a position, right, or power
3. aberrant  - deviating from what is normal
4. abeyance  temporary suppression or suspension
5. abject -  miserable; pitiful
6. abjure  - to reject; abandon formally
7. abscission - the act of cutting; the natural separation of a leaf or other part of the plant
8. abscond -  to depart secretly
9. abstemious  - moderate in appetite
10. abstinence  - the giving up of certain pleasures
11. abysmal  - very bad
12. accretion  - growth in size or increase in the amount
13. accrue -  to accumulate; grow by additions
14. adamant -  uncompromising; unyielding
15. adjunct - something added, attached, or joined
16. admonish -  to caution or reprimand
17. adulterate  - to corrupt or make impure
18. aesthetic -  relating to beauty or the arts
19. affected -  pretentious; phony
20. affinity  - fondness; liking; similarity
21. aggrandize -  to make larger or greater
22. aggregate -  amounting to a whole; total
23. alacrity -  cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed
24. alchemy - medieval chemical philosophy based on changing metal into gold; a seemingly magical power or process of transmutation
25. allay  - to lessen; ease; soothe
26. alleviate -  to relieve; improve partially
27. alloy -  a combination; a mixture of two or more metals
28. allure -  the power to entice by charm
29. amalgamate -  to combine into a unified whole
30. ambiguous -   unclear or doubtful in meaning
31. ambivalence -  the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes
32. ambrosia -  something delicious; the food of the gods
33. ameliorate  - to improve
34. amenable  - agreeable; cooperative; suited
35. amenity -  something that increases comfort
36. amulet  - ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
37. anachronism -  something out of the proper time
38. analgesic  - medication that reduces or eliminates pain
39. analogous  - comparable
40. anarchy -  absence of government; state of disorder
41. anodyne - something that calms or soothes pain
42.anomalous  irregular; deviating from the norm
43. antecedent - something that comes before
44. antediluvian - prehistoric
45. antipathy  - dislike; hostility
46. apathy -  indifference
47. apex - the highest point
48. apogee - the point in an orbit most distant from the body being orbited; the highest point
49. apothegm - a terse, witty saying
50. appease - to calm, pacify, placate
51.appellation -  name
52. apposite  - strikingly appropriate and relevant
53. apprise -  to inform
54. approbation - praise, approval
55. appropriate  - to take possession of for one's own use; confiscate
56. apropos  - relevant
57.arabesque - ornate design featuring intertwined curves; a ballet position in which one leg is extended in back while the other supports the weight of the body
58. archeology -  the study of material evidence of past human life
59. ardor - great emotion or passion
60. arduous  - extremely difficult; laborious
61. argot - a specialized vocabulary used by a group
62. arrest -  to stop; to seize
63. artifact - item made by human craft
64. artless - guileless; natural
65. ascetic  - one who practices self-denial

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