BCS English Literature

The Oldest English Period (450-1066)  or the Anglo-Saxon period

  • Earliest poet/ first known poet in English Literature 
  •  Father of English Sacred Song
  • He was the Milton  Anglo-Saxon   period
  • The main work of Caedmon is Paraphrase.

  • The famous poem Juliana written by Cynewulf

Saint Venerable Bede:
  •  Saint Venerable Bede is called the Doctor of the Church 
  •  Father of Learning
  •  The first historian in the English language

King Alfred the Great
  •  The Law Governing was his title 
  •  He was the King of England from  871-899 A.D 
  •    He compiled the Anglo Saxon Chronicle and it called First monument in English prose
  •  Founder of English Prose.
Beowulf (Epic): 
  •  First Monument in English Literature
  • Anonymous writers  
  • The Earliest  Epic England about 650 A.D
  • Heroic Epic almost  3282 lines and Beowulf is the hero of the epic 
  •  There are also some other poems include here like The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Husband‘s Message, The Wife‘s Lament, Traveler.

                                         Multiple choice questions  

1. When started 'The Oldest English period?
A.5th Century     b. 6th century,
C. 7th century,               d. 8th century.
2. Which is the oldest period in English Literature?
(a) Anglo-Norman          (b) Anglo-Saxon
(c) Chaucer's Period     (d) Middle
3. When ended Anglo-Saxon period?
a. 1160,               b. 1260,      c.1066,       d. 1010,
4. Which one of the following is the first long poem in English?
a. Dream of the Road,     b. The Wanerer,
c. The Seafarer,       d. Beowulf
5. Anglo-Saxon poetry was immensely influenced by.........
a. Christianity,         b. Religion,
C. Myths,                    d. All.
6. Which one of the following is first long poem in English?
(a) The Wanderer         (b) Beowulf
(c) The Seafarer           (d) Dream of the Road
7. Beowulf is.........
a. Elegy, b. Comedy, c.an Epic, d. Novel.
8. What is the first Epic of Anglo-Saxon period?
a. Mortde d' Arthur,     b. Paraphrase,
c. Juliana,                      d. Beowulf
9. Who wrote "Beowulf "?
a. Anonymous writer,    b. Caedmon,
c. Cynewulf,        d. Venerable Vade.
10. What kind of book is 'Beowulf '?
a. Prose,   b. Poem,   c. Story,   d. novel.
11. Who was the earliest English Poet?
a. Chaucer,           b. Cynewulf,
c. Caedmon,    d. V.Bade.

12. Anglo-Saxon People were mainly........
a. Christianity,       b. Warriors,
C. Hunters,             d. All

13. Who is called " Father of English Sacred Song?
a. Caedmon,   b. Cynewulf,
c. V. Bade,          d. J. Chaucer.
14. Who wrote "Juliana "?
a. Venerable Bade,      b. Cynewulf
c. King Alfred,              d. Caedmon.
15. Who is considered the Author of the Christ?
a. Francis Backon,       b. J. Chaucer,
c. Cynewulf ,      d. King Alfred.
16. Who is the Writer of “The Fates of the Apostates?
a. Caedmon,          b. J. Chaucer,
c. Francis Bacon,     d. Cynewulf
17. Who is the first Historian in English Literature?
a. Venerable Bade,   b. King Alfred,
c. Cynewulf,               d. William Henry.
18. Venerable Bade is called the........
a. Father of English Prose,
b. father of English History
c. Father of English poetry,
d. Father of English novel.
19."Ecclesiastical History of the English People "by venerable Bade was written in....
a. English,              b. Greek,
c. Latin,         d. Roman
20. Who is the father of English Learning?
a. Henry 1,        b. Henry iii,
c. Roger Bacon,         d. Venerable Bade
21. Who is the “Founder of English Prose?
A. King Alfred the great           b. Venerable Bade
 c. J. Chaucer,                               d. Caedmon.
22. King Alfred the great inspired & surprised the complication of..........
A .Paraphrase,             b. The Anglo-Saxon Chronic
c. Elena,                        d. The Fates of the Apostates,
23. How many parts were on the "Beowulf "?
a. Four,  b. One,  c. two ,  d. three.
24. The Ancient period in English literature?
a. Romantic period,        b. Neoclassical period,
c. The Age of Chaucer,         d. The Anglo Saxon period,
25. The earliest & the greatest epic or Heroic poem in English literature is .........
a. Beowulf ,              b. Iliad,
c. Paradise Lost.             d. The Adonis.
26. Who is the Author of the book" Widsith"
a. Caedmon,           b. Anonymous writer,
C. Chaucer,               d. Venerable Bade,
27."Ecclesiastical History of the English people” has been written by........
a. King Alfred,              b. Cynewulf,
c. Venerable Bade,      d. Caedmon,
28. Who is the First Known poet of English?
a. Bede,                 b. Alfred,
c. Cynewulf,        d. Caedmon,
29. Who is called the Anglo Saxon Milton?
a. Caedmon,         b. Alfred,
c. Cynewulf,           d. Alfreck,
30. Who is regarded as the greatest of Anglo Saxon King?
a. Alexander The great,       b. Alfred the great
c. Edward iii,                       d. Rechard ii.
31. The English Prose writing begins under.................................................
a. Caedmon,                             b. Bede,
c. Alfred the great,             d. Cynewulf.
32. Most important prose work of Anglo Saxon Age is................
a. Judith,                 b. Juliana,
c. Paraphrase,          d. Anglo Saxon Chronicle ,
33. How many lines are there in Beowulf?
a. Three Thousand,    b. four thousand,
c. one thousand,            d. two thousand,
34. The Span of Anglo Saxon Period is.......
a. 560-1066,           b.450-1066,
c. 550-1050,          d. 450-1250.
35. Who wrote "Catholic Homilies "?
a. Chaucer,       b. Cynewulf,
c. Alfric,        d. Wulfstan,

36. Who wrote " Serno Lupid Anglos"?
a. Caedmon,     b. chaucer,
c. Alfred,           d. Wulfstan
37. How many kinds of "Old English Period "?
a. 2,        b. 3.      C. 4.       d. 5.
38. What is the span of " Pre-Christian Age?
a. 350-650,          b.450-650,
c. 650-1200,        d.950- 1200.
39. What is the span of" Christian Age"?
a.  450-550, b.500-600,
c. 650-1066,  d.950-1200.
40. The word "England "derived from.............
a. Land of Angles , b. Celt,
C. Anglo, d. Angul,
41. Who defeated the Anglo-Saxon?
a. Anglo Norman,               b. Goll,
c. Celt.                                  d. Mog.
42. The word "English" came from the word.........
a. Angul,               b. Anglisko,
c. Pixy,                  d. froggy.
43. Caedmon was the poet of........... ....
a. 4th century,           b.5th Century,
C. 7th century ,     d. 8th century.
44. Who wrote the poem "Exodus"?
a. Cynewulf,    b. Alfred,
c. Alfric,           d. Caedmon,
45. Who wrote "The consolation of Philosophy”
a. Alfred the great,      b. Chaucer,
c. Cynewulf, d. Wulfstan.
46. What is called the first Monument in English prose?
a. Elene,      b. Anglo-Saxon chronicle,
c. Judith,     d. The Phonix.
47. How many lines in Beowulf?
a.2500,                     b.3000,
c. 3182,                    d.3500.
48. Which is the Cynewulf's poem?
a. Christ,                 b. The lives of Saints,
c. The fates of Apostles,      d. All
49. Who is the prominent writer of the Old English Period?
a. Caedmon,             b. Cynewulf,
c. John Wycliffe,            d. John Webster.
50. Who wrote "Dream of the Road"?
a. Bede,              b. Cynewulf ,
c. Caedmon,     d. Wycliffe.
51. How many lines in the poem" Widsith"?
a. 100,    b.109,      c.143,         d.124.
52. How many lines in the poem "The Seafarer"?
a. 224,         b.324,         c.424,           d.124.
53. How many lines in Beowulf?
a. about (3200 lines,)  b. about (4000lines),
c. about(3000 lines), d. About(2500 lines)
54. Which is the Caedmon's Poem?
a. The Tall of Angels,    b. The Harrowing of Hell,
c. The Temptation,      d. All of the above,
55. Who introduced Christian Poetry in English literature in Anglo-Saxon Period?
a. Cynewulf, b. Caedmon,
c. Vergil,   d. both a & b.##
56."Widsith" means..........
a. Lover's song,   b. Hymn,
c. Pop song,    d. Travellers ‘Song,
57. Who was a Monk?
a. Alfred,           b. Cynewulf,
c. Alfric,           d. Caedmon ,
58. The Anglo Saxon was named by...........
a. Alfred,           b. Caedmon,
c. Carlyle,    d. William Camden,

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