One Word Substitution - English  Section 1

1. Composed of elements highly diverse in diseases of skin = (heterogeneity).
2. A physician who specializes in diseases of skin = (dermatologist).
3. A physician/surgeon is dealing with disorders of the female reproductive system = (gynecologist).
4. A physician who specializes in heart diseases = (cardiologist).
5. Specialist in bone or skeleton disorders = (orthopedist).
6. Specialist of eye diseases = (opthalmologist).
7. One who murders his own mother = (matricide).
8. Act of murdering one's father = (patricide).
9. The killing of one's brother or sister = (fratricide).
10. Words differing in meaning from another word wit
11. Words having more or less the same  its meaning = (synonyms)
12. Words more or less opposite in meaning = (antonyms)
13. Specialist of diseases of infants = (pediatrician).
14. Very pleasing to eat = (toothsome)
15. In a state of apparent inactivity but capable of being easily called into action = (dormant).
16. To pass winter in a dormant state or a period of inactivity in which some living organisms
pass the winter (like frogs) = (hibernation).
17. One who hates mankind = (misanthrope).
18. To sail around the world = (circumnavigate).
19. Using ambiguous words to conceal the truth = (equivocal).
20. One who can be easily duped or fooled by any swindler = (gullible).
21. Uniform in structure or composition throughout = (homogeneous).
22. Free from external incitement or self-generation or happening without external cause=
23. The organism that grows feeds and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host = (parasite).
24. Person who loves humankind = (philanthropist).
25. To root out an evil = (eradicate).
26. The state of being married = (matrimony).
27. The practice of having only one wife or husband at a time  = (monogamy).
28. A dramatic scene in which a person speaks by himself = (monologue).
29. Act of ending one's life = (suicide).
30. The systematic extermination of a race or community = (genocide).
31. A child who born after the death of its father = (posthumous).
32. Marrying one person while still legally married to another = (bigamy).
33. Study of the origin and history of words = (etymology).
34. Woman who having many husbands at the same time = (polyandry).
35. The plurality of wives = (polygyny).
36. A hater of woman = (misogynist).
37. A sleeping room for a number of people = (dormitory).
38. The day of Last Judgment or end of the world = (doomsday).
39. To surround on all sides = (envelope).
40. A person who believes in going out naked = (nudist).
41. Something very ancient = (antediluvian).
42. A woman whose husband has died and who has not remarried = (widow).
43. Man whose wife has died and who has not remarried = (widower).
44. Medicine used to calm or pacify = (tranquilizer).
45. Murder of a king = (regicide).
46. Hater of learning and knowledge = (misologist).
47. The intentional destruction of a human fetus in the uterus (infant in womb) = (foeticide).
48. Account of a person's life written by himself = (autobiography).
49. Power of reading the thoughts or minds of others = (telepathy).
50. The killing of a human being = (homicide).
51. Something is occurring at irregular intervals in time or occasionally = (sporadic).
52. A person who knows or can speak many languages = (polyglot).
53. Diseases prevalent in a particular locality = (endemic).
54. Direct vote of all the electors of the state = (plebiscite).
55. A person who can use both hands with equal facility = (ambidextrous).
56. Medicine that loosens the bowels = (laxative).
57. The person who interested in antiquities = (antiquarian).
58. A speech made by a speaker for the first time in a particular gathering = (maiden speech).
59. A statement which is accepted as true without proof = (Axiom)
60. A collection of flowers = Bouquet

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