Anti-corruption commission (ACC):
Control corruption by identifying hot spots and areas of vulnerabilities for targeted investigative and trial action, prevention and curative treatment beside preventive education and advocacy.  They try to make a stable situation through their activate role by legal action against corruption.
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is a statutory independent corruption prevention and corruption detective body of the state, operating under the Anti-Corruption Commission Act, 2004. It gains further vigor and impetus duly acceding to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) on 27 February 2007.

Vision of the ACC:  To create a strong anti-corruption culture that permeates throughout the whole society.

Mission: To persistently combat for removing corruption, control the present unstable situation in every corrupted sector, suppress and prevent corruption in Bangladesh.

Strategic objectives:
·        Combating corruption through punitive action
·        Pre-empting corruption through systems review
·        Preventing Corruption through education and advocacy

These are supported by four supporting objectives:
·        Designing organizational structure
·        Designing operating mechanisms
·        Providing human resource support and good internal governance
·        Providing sound financial and logistical support

The Commission is accountable for:
Ø enquiry and investigation into the scheduled offences on any allegation of corruption on own initiative, or upon an aggrieved person or by any person on his /her behalf;
Ø file and conduct cases on the basis of enquiry and investigation;
Ø promote the values of honesty and integrity in order to prevent corruption and take measures to build up mass awareness against corruption; and
Ø Identify the sources of different types of corruption existing in Bangladesh against the backdrop of the country's socio-economic conditions and present any recommendations for appropriate action.

In respect of enquiry and investigation ACC is authorized to:
v issue notices to witnesses, ensure their appearance and interrogate them; discover and present any document;
v take evidence;
v call for public records or its certified copies from any court office;
v Issue notices for the interrogation of witnesses and the examination of documents; and any other matter required for realsing and fulfilling the aims and objectives of this law.

 Commission & Executive Management
The Commission comprises of a chairman and two Commissioners. The Chairman is the chief executive of the Commission. He entrusts the duties to the two Commissioners for which they are accountable to the Chairman. The Chairman and two Commissioners are appointed by the President for a period of five years on the recommendation of the Selection Committee constituted under Section 7 of the ACC Act, 2004.

Their tenures are secured with the provision that “No Commissioner shall be removed from office except on similar grounds and in accordance with the similar procedures as apply to the removal of a judge of the Supreme Court”.

The Chairman and the Commissioners enjoy the status and privileges of a judge of the Appellate Division and the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh respectively.

Organizational Structure:
Hierarchical structure of the ACC

Change Management in Anti-corruption commission:
If we think about any change in anti-corruption commission’s rules, regulation and work procedure that should ne needed to follow some criteria, When an organization proposes any sort of major change, it’s bound to be viewed as exciting to some people and threatening to others. This is perhaps the biggest challenge to Organizational Change Management (OCM). Anti-corruption commission is not out of the other organization here we should face some important challenge for change. Here government and organization both need to eager for change.  It doesn’t matter whether this is a big change or a little one, or whether it is driven by internal processes or the external. People will need to change for decreasing corruption by strict rules and regulations.

People may have to alter their behavior, adopt new mindsets, learn and adapt to new processes and practices, adhere to a different set of policies, or make any number of other changes. All the people involved with the proposed change, “the stakeholders,” must be on board and committed for this process to obey properly.

Generals electric seven steps change management model apply on ACC:
Steps and model which might apply for change management in anti-corruption commission, we basically use general electric’s  (GE)seven steps model for accelerating change in organization level.

Before applying GE seven steps model in any organization we need to analyze clearly how change suite everywhere properly. Each step may not perfect fit for other organization change.  So let’s try to apply to this model in Anti-corruption commission.

1.     Clear explanation of reason for change:
In order to implement successful changes in ACC, we will need to imagine what the best possible end result will look like once it’s all said and done. With this vision in place, then it’s a matter of listing and documenting the necessary tasks to accomplish it, and outlining how, and by whom, these tasks will be completed. The commission is namely independent, they not enjoy self-governing system. The recruitment process is not fair, political recruitment cannot bring any good result to for controlling corruption.

2.     Establish vision:
Thinking about the vision of ACC we need to take initiative fog change. Every successful change management has well-defined governance, which is basically the framework for making decisions and the set of pre-determined processes for implementing those decisions. To establish vision of ACC we should play active role in field level. This difficult task for every person in this situation because the corrupted person always more powerful.

3.     Line up leadership:
It’s important that you establish dedicated organizational leaders, both at the top and throughout the organization, to keep the change management process stable. The chosen leaders should be committed, reliable and able to influence others to get on board through their example. ACC has more power to control corruption but they have lack of exercise the power in field level. If authority or chairman take a leadership role to this sector, it might possible to reduce the rate of corruption in our country.

4.     Mobilize the workforce:
ACC is an independent authority they can investigate any corruption related issue if the hear any accusation about person or organization. In order to ensure participation, support and commitment, it’s necessary to keep all stakeholders in the loop and updated during every step of the change management process. Lines of communication should be kept open so employees aren’t given information merely to help them understand what’s going on.   
5.     Measure the progress:
There should be at least a few people who are ready to adopt the change early on, and these stakeholders can become your biggest advocates to help get other folks on board with the transition. Good advocates, of course, should also demonstrate strong leadership abilities as well as other professional and personal strengths that attract respect from others. I think ACC has great public support to take initiative in field level for corruption control. Measure of progress should be easy if worker change their mind set in organization level.

6.     Maintain consistency:
By monitoring the change as it’s happening, measuring whether its implementation is successful and making changes as necessary, you can avoid more costly mistakes later on. There are many different means, both formal and informal, for assessing and maintain the change process. Basically the goal is to correct any issues quickly, and get feedback once corrections have been made to make sure the corrections are working. To Keep consistency on the work procedure and change process, people may get better output in this way. 

7.     Change the systems and structures:
This is critical stage for ACC, because system and structure of this organization is hand on government but they can change in internal work planning. This requires a detailed understanding of how the change is affecting them and any worries and concerns they may have. You don’t want to get too far off course, but people’s needs must be addressed. If people are having a negative emotional impact they will never fully adapt.
Overall conclusion of change management in ACC:
ACC is an independent commission in our country; it has specific mission and vision to provide service in state level. The model of change management is not fully suite for ACC. Because each organization has own mission and vision, that wouldn’t match other. Public and private organizations have different strategy and rules to run their organization. In this sense ACC may apply GE seven steps model in change process. Criteria of ACC are so hard to make change but work procedure in corruption reduction may possible if change is accepted by authority. Keep in mind any kinds of change in ACC for corruption reduction in central to local some people are not accept but authority should handle any kind of situation and ignore the compete against people.


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