GRE High frequency 333 words list  for Bank, GRE & IBA

1. abate - become less in amount or intensity
2. aberrant - markedly different from an accepted norm
3. abeyance - temporary cessation or suspension
4. abscond - run away, often taking something or somebody along
5.abstemious - marked by temperance in indulgence
6. admonish - scold or reprimand; take to task
7.adulterate - make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance
8. aesthetic - characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
9. aggregate - a sum total of many heterogeneous things taken together
10. alacrity - liveliness and eagerness
11.  alleviate - provide physical relief, as from pain
12.  amalgamate - bring or combine together or with something else
13.  ambiguous - having more than one possible meaning
14.  ambivalence - mixed feelings or emotions
15.  ameliorate - make better
16.  anachronism - locating something at a time when it couldn't have existed
17.  analogous - similar or equivalent in some respects
18.  anarchy - a state of lawlessness and disorder
19.  anomalous - deviating from the general or common order or type
20.  antipathy - a feeling of intense dislike
21.  apathy -an absence of emotion or enthusiasm
22.  appease - make peace with
23.  apprise - inform somebody of something
24.  approbation - official acceptance or agreement
25.  appropriate - suitable for a particular person, place, or situation
26.  arduous - characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
27.  artless - simple and natural; without cunning or deceit
28.  ascetic - someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
29.  assiduous - marked by care and persistent effort
30.  assuage - provide physical relief, as from pain
31.  attenuate - become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude
32.  audacious - disposed to venture or take risks
33.  austere - of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor
34.  aver - declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
35.  banal - repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse, 
36.  belie - be in contradiction with
37.  beneficent - doing or producing good
38.  bolster - support and strengthen
39.  bombastic - ostentatiously lofty in style
40.  boorish - ill-mannered and coarse in behavior or appearance
41.  burgeon - grow and flourish
42.  burnish - polish and make shiny
43.  buttress - a support usually of stone or brick
44.  cacophonous - having an unpleasant sound
45.  capricious - determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
46.  castigation - verbal punishment
47.  catalyst - substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction
48.  caustic - capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
49.  chicanery - the use of tricks to deceive someone
50.  coagulate - change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state
51.  coda - the closing section of a musical composition
52.  cogent - powerfully persuasive
53.  commensurate - corresponding in size or degree or extent
54.  compendium  - a publication containing a variety of works
55.  complaisant - showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others
56.  compliant - disposed to act in accordance with someone's wishes
57.  conciliatory - making or willing to make concessions
58.  condone - excuse, overlook, or make allowances for
59.  confound - be confusing or perplexing to
60.  connoisseur - an expert able to appreciate a field
61.  contention - the act of competing as for profit or a prize
62.  contentious - showing an inclination to disagree
63.  contrite - feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

64.  conundrum - a difficult problem
65.  converge - be adjacent or come together
66.  convoluted - highly complex or intricate
67.  craven - lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
68.  daunt - cause to lose courage
69.  decorum - propriety in manners and conduct
70.  default - an option that is selected automatically
71.  deference - courteous regard for people's feelings
72.  delineate - represented accurately or precisely
73.  denigrate - attack the good name and reputation of someone
74.  deride - উপহাস করা, treat or speak of with contempt
75.  derivative - a compound obtained from another compound
76.  desiccate - lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless
77.  desultory - marked by lack of definite plan, purpose, or enthusiasm
78.  deterrent - something immaterial that interferes with action or progress
79.  diatribe - thunderous verbal attack
80.  dichotomy - a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses
81.  diffidence - lack of self-assurance
82.  diffuse - spread out; not concentrated in one place
83.  digression - a message that departs from the main subject
84.  dirge - a song or hymn of mourning as a memorial to a dead person
85.  disabuse - free somebody from an erroneous belief
86.  discerning - having or revealing keen insight and good judgment
87.  discordant - not in agreement or harmony
88.  discredit - the state of being held in low esteem
89.  discrepancy - a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
90.  discrete - constituting a separate entity or part
91.  disingenuous - not straightforward or candid
92.  disinterested - unaffected by concern for one's own welfare
93.  disjointed - taken apart at the points of connection
94.  dismiss - stop associating with
95.  disparage - express a negative opinion of
96.  disparate - fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
97.  dissemble - behave unnaturally or affectedly
98.  disseminate - cause to become widely known
99.  dissolution - separation into component par
100. Dissonance - disagreeable sounds
101. distend - cause to expand as if by internal pressure
102. distill - undergo condensation
103. diverge - move or draw apart
104. divest - take away possessions from someone
105. document - a representation of a person's thinking with symbolic marks
106. dogmatic - pertaining to a code of beliefs accepted as authoritative
107. dormant - inactive but capable of becoming active
108. dupe - fool or hoax
109. ebullient - joyously unrestrained
110. eclectic - selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
111. efficacy - capacity or power to produce a desired result
112. effrontery - audacious behavior that you have no right to
113. elegy - a mournful poem; a lament for the dead
114. elicit - call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response
115. embellish - make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color
116. empirical - derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
117. emulate - strive to equal or match, especially by imitating
118. endemic - native to or confined to a certain region
119. enervate - weaken mentally or morally
120. engender - call forth
121. enhance - increase
122. ephemeral - anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day
123. equanimity - steadiness of mind under stress
124. equivocate - be deliberately ambiguous or unclear
125. erudite - having or showing profound knowledge
126. esoteric - understandable only by an enlightened inner circle
127. eulogy  - a formal expression of praise for someone who has died
128. euphemism - an inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive one
129. exacerbate - make worse
130. exculpate - pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
131. exigency - a pressing or urgent situation
132. extrapolation - an inference about the future based on known facts
133. facetious - cleverly amusing in tone
134. facilitate - make easier
135. fallacious - containing or based on incorrect reasoning
136. fatuous - devoid of intelligence
137. fawning - attempting to win favor by flattery

138. felicitous - exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style
139. fervor - feelings of great warmth and intensity
140. flag - a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
141. fledgling - young bird that has just become capable of flying
142. flout - treat with contemptuous disregard
143. foment - try to stir up
144. forestall - keep from happening or arising; make impossible
145. frugality - prudence in avoiding waste
146. futile - producing no result or effect
147. gainsay - take exception to
148. garrulous - full of trivial conversation
149. goad - stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
150. gouge - an impression in a surface, as made by a blow
151. grandiloquent - lofty in style
152. gregarious - temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
153. guileless - innocent and free of deceit
154. gullible -naive and easily deceived or tricked
155. harangue - a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
156. homogenous - all of the same or similar kind or nature
157. hyperbole - extravagant exaggeration
158. iconoclast - someone who attacks cherished ideas or institutions
159. idolatry - the worship of objects or images as gods
160. immutable - not subject or susceptible to change or variation
161. impair - make worse or less effective
162. impassive  - অবিচলিত , having or revealing little emotion or sensibility

163. impede - be a hindrance or obstacle to
164. impermeable - preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through
165. imperturbable - marked by extreme calm and composure
166. impervious - not admitting of passage or capable of being affected
167. implacable - incapable of being appeased or pacified
168. implicit - suggested though not directly expressed
169. implode - burst inward
170. inadvertently - without knowledge or intention
171. inchoate - only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
172. incongruity - the quality of disagreeing
173. inconsequential - lacking worth or importance
174. incorporate - make into a whole or make part of a whole
175. indeterminate - not fixed or known in advance
176. indigence  - অভাব, a state of extreme poverty or destitution
177. indolentঅলস, disinclined to work or exertion
178. inert - unable to move or resist motion
179. ingenuous - lacking in sophistication or worldliness
180. inherentসহজাত,  existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
181. innocuous - not injurious to physical or mental health
182. insensible - barely able to be perceived
183. insinuate - suggest in an indirect or covert way; give to understand
184. insipid - lacking interest or significance or impact
185. insularity - the state of being isolated or detached
186. intractable - difficult to manage or mold
187. intransigence - stubborn refusal to compromise or change
188. inundate - fill or cover completely, usually with water
189. inured - made tough by habitual exposure
190. invective - abusive language used to express blame or censure
191. irascible - quickly aroused to anger
192. irresolute - uncertain how to act or proceed
193. itinerary - an established line of travel or access
194. laconic - brief and to the point
195. lassitude - a feeling of lack of interest or energy
196. latent - potentially existing but not presently evident or realized
197. laud - praise, glorify, or honor
198. lethargic - deficient in alertness or activity
199. levee - an embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing
200. levity - a manner lacking seriousness
201. log - a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches
202. loquacious - full of trivial conversation
203. lucid - transparently clear; easily understandable
204. luminous - softly bright or radiant
205. magnanimity - nobility and generosity of spirit
206. malingerer - someone shirking duty by feigning illness or incapacity
207. malleable - capable of being shaped or bent
208. maverick - someone who exhibits independence in thought and action
209. mendacious - given to lying
210. metamorphosis - striking change in appearance or character or circumstances
211. meticulous - marked by precise accordance with details
212. misanthrope - someone who dislikes people in general
213. mitigate - lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
214. mollify - cause to be more favorably inclined
215. morose - showing a brooding ill humor
216. mundane -found in the ordinary course of events
217. negate - make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
218. neophyte -any new participant in some activity
219. obdurate -stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
220. obsequious - attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
221. obviate - do away with
222. occlude - block passage through
223. officious - intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
224. onerous - burdensome or difficult to endure
225. oscillate - move or swing from side to side regularly
226. ostentatious - intended to attract notice and impress others
227. paragon - a perfect embodiment of a concept
228. partisan - a fervent and even militant proponent of something
229. pathological - relating to the study of diseases
230. paucity - an insufficient quantity or number
231. pedantic - marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning
232. penchant - a strong liking
233. penury - a state of extreme poverty or destitution
234. perennial - lasting an indefinitely long time
235. perfidious - tending to betray
236. perfunctory - hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
237. permeable - allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through
238. pervasive - spreading or spread throughout
239. phlegmatic - showing little emotion
240. piety - righteousness by virtue of being religiously devout
241. placate - cause to be more favorably inclined
242. plasticity - the property of being physically malleable
243. platitude - a trite or obvious remark
244. plethora - extreme excess
245. plummet - drop sharply
246. porous - full of holes
247. pragmatic - concerned with practical matters
248. preamble - a preliminary introduction, as to a statute or constitution
249. precarious - not secure; beset with difficulties
250. precipitate - bring about abruptly
251. precursor - something indicating the approach of something or someone
252. presumptuous - going beyond what is appropriate, permitted, or courteous
253. prevaricate - be deliberately ambiguous or unclear
254. pristine - immaculately clean and unused

255. probity - complete and confirmed integrity
256. problematic - making great mental demands
257. prodigal - recklessly wasteful
258. profound - situated at or extending to great depth
259. prohibitive - tending to discourage, especially of prices
260. proliferate - grow rapidly
261. propensity - a natural inclination
262. propitiate - make peace with
263. propriety - correct behavior
264. proscribe - command against
265. pungent - strong and sharp to the sense of taste or smell
266. qualified - meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task
267. quibble - evade the truth of a point by raising irrelevant objections
268. quiescent - being quiet or still or inactive
269. rarefied - of high moral or intellectual value
270. recalcitrant - stubbornly resistant to authority or control
271. recant - formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
272. recluse - one who lives in solitude
273. recondite - difficult to understand
274. refractory - stubbornly resistant to authority or control
275. refute - overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof
276. relegate - assign to a lower position
277. reproach - express criticism towards
278. reprobate - a person without moral scruples
279. repudiate - refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid
280. rescind - cancel officially
281. resolution - a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner
282. resolve - find a solution or answer
283. reticent - reluctant to draw attention to yourself
284. reverent - feeling or showing profound respect or veneration
285. sage - a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics
286. salubrious -promoting health
287. sanction - official permission or approval
288. satiate - fill to satisfaction
289. saturate - infuse or fill completely
290. savor - a particular taste or smell, especially an appealing one
291. secrete - generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids
292. shard - a broken piece of a brittle artifact
293. skeptic - someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
294. soporific - inducing sleep
295. specious - plausible but false
296. spectrum - a broad range of related objects, values, or qualities
297. sporadic - recurring in scattered or unpredictable instances
298. stigma - a symbol of disgrace or infamy
299. stint - supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
300. stipulate - make an express demand or provision in an agreement
301. stolid - having or revealing little emotion or sensibility
302. strut - walk in a proud, confident way
303. strut - walk in a proud, confident way
304. subpoena - a writ issued to compel the attendance of a witness
305. subside - wear off or die down
306. substantiate - establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
307. supersede - take the place or move into the position of
308. supposition - the cognitive process of conjecturing
309. tacit - implied by or inferred from actions or statements
310. tangential - of superficial relevance if any
311. tenuous - very thin in gauge or diameter
312. tirade - a speech of violent denunciation
313. torpor - a state of motor and mental inactivity
314. tortuous - marked by repeated turns and bends
315. tractable - easily managed
316. transgression - the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle
317. truculence - stubborn and defiant aggressiveness
318. vacillate - be undecided about something
319. venerate - regard with feelings of respect and reverence
320. veracious - habitually speaking the truth
321. verbose - using or containing too many words
322. viable - capable of life or normal growth and development
323. viscous - having a relatively high resistance to flow
324. vituperative -marked by harshly abusive criticism
325. volatile - liable to lead to sudden change or violence
326. wary - marked by keen caution and watchful prudence
327. welter - a confused multitude of things
328. whimsical - determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
329. zealot - a fervent and even militant proponent of something

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